80±── 80後眼中的80後攝影展
80 後眼中的80 後 攝影展
post-80s in the eyes of post-80s: a photography exhibition
所以拍照, 為了對抗遺忘
「80 後」這個詞被人說得太多了, 說濫了, 這一次, 我們不以文字, 只以影像, 由我們自己來說明, 80 後眼中的80 後。我們成長於一個很有趣的世代。因著數碼化相機的普及, 每一個80 後至少擁有一部私人相機。拍照不再是大時大節時才做的事, 也不是專業攝影師的特權, 拿著一部手提電話, 我們已經能拍照。
這展覽源自之前一個同名的攝影集計劃, 當中集結了各行各業的80 前後人像作品, 他們有的是攝影師、藝術家, 甚至是在學中的學生。先前在攝影集裡發表作品的年輕攝影師們更特別組成了策展團隊, 為是次展覽做了全新的攝影作品, 它將是一群三十多名原本素未謀面的年輕人, 因為對攝影的熱忱而聚首, 並且共同創作的產物。
And so we take photos, to fight forgetting
The term ‘Post-80s’ has been talked of too much, excessi vely , and so now we would speak for ourselves , not with text but with images , post-80s in the eyes of post-80s . We grow up in an interesting era. With the advent of digital photography, almost every post-80 has a camera of his/her own. Phototaking is no longer something reserved for festivities, nor is it the privileged activity of the professional photographer. One can take a photo just by clicking at one’s mobile phone.
This exhibition originated from a photobook project, in which is a collection of portrait works by post-80s in all walks of life. Some of them are photographers and artists, while most have nothing to do with art and creative industries, a few are still in school. And now these young photographers are gathered together again to create new photography works especially for the exhibition. So this exhibition is the product of a group of young people who have come together out of a common passion for photography.
開幕日期 Opening :2010 / 12 / 04 ( 星期六Sat ) 2:00p.m.
展覽日期 Exhibition Period :2010 / 12 / 05 – 31
展覽時間 Time :10:00 a.m . – 10:00p.m.
展覽地點 Venue:石硤尾白田街3 0 號賽馬會創意藝術中心(JCCAC) L6 至 L8中心內牆
Parapet along L6 to L8 , Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre , 30 Pak Tin Street , Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon
攝影師分享會 Photographer sharing session : 2010 / 12 / 04 ( 星期六Sat ) 3:30p.m.
地點 Venue :L7 綠色空間 L7 Green Space
查詢 Enquiry : 2777 1955
策劃 Organized by:香港攝影節2010 Hong Kong Photo Festival 2010
合辦 Co-organized by:香港攝影文化協會 Hong Kong Photographic Culture Association、 賽馬會創意藝術中心 JCCAC
策展人 Curated by:李挽靈 Mary Lee
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